Building A Balanced “Portfolio” Of Colleges To Apply To

Maybe it’s because the uncertainty and randomness of the college admissions process has increased, but it got me thinking about how creating a balanced list is not unlike building an investment portfolio. Why not purposefully include the amount of uncertainty or “risk tolerance” a student is willing to experience to the process of building a balanced “portfolio” of colleges to apply to?

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"It's Not You, It's Me". The "Why" of the Deferral Process in College Admissions

I’ve been a college coach for almost 10 years and each year the number of deferrals as well as the number of colleges that execute them, continues to grow. Each time it happens to a student, I feel their disappointment as they receive the news. I understand when parents exclaim how unfair it is that their teens have to wait even longer and jump through more hoops. it’s also a reminder that the admissions process is not fair. It’s a complicated process with a LOT going on behind the scenes that has absolutely nothing to do with the student.

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Comets Are Discovered By Students, Not Colleges

In the movie “Don’t Look Up”, the astronomer who discovers the “killer comet” is a PhD student at Michigan State. When she and the head of the department finally get in to see the President to share their findings, they are told that “no offense, but we need our team of ‘Ivy scientists’, plus the ‘brightest minds’ from MIT and Caltech to confirm.” Of course, all of them corroborate the findings of the student from the “lesser college”, right down to the exact detail.

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“Show Me The 'Scholarship' Money”

“How do I get scholarships for college”? That’s certainly the million-dollar question. And if I had the perfect answer, I’d probably be WORTH a million dollars!

What I do know, is that it’s best to go where the money is, and that’s at the college itself! It’s also the easiest place to begin, for a few reasons.

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What does it really mean to be “ready” for college?

Over the years, I’ve seen many students successfully navigate the transition from high school to first year of college. I’m not saying they’ve all done so without some bumps and bruises along the way, but in general, they’ve done well handling all of the normal “firsts” of living away from home.

That got me wondering about how to know if a student is truly “college ready”? And what that means, exactly.

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The College Admissions Landscape: Fair and Balanced?

“Reach, target and safety” is the formula by which students were taught to craft a balanced list of colleges that included a few that were a sure thing, a few that matched the student’s academic profile and a few that ….”you have a chance of getting into”, as defined in this blog, But over the last few years, the “targets” were, well, missing the target and the “reaches” were slowly moving way out of reach.

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"Just Breathe"

In the world of yoga, the phrase “just breathe” has many meanings, but the general mantra is a reminder to slow down and take a breathe when things are either spinning out of control or when we’ve done all we can within our control.

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"If It Doesn't Challenge You, It Doesn't Change You": Celebrating the Class of 2020

I’ve been thinking a LOT about the current high school seniors this year. How can you not? During the time usually dedicated to celebrating accomplishments and looking forward to college, they are in the midst of a global pandemic, the likes of which none of us have ever experienced, while they are in the unique position of making one of the first big decisions of their lives with respect to college and their future. 

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