Words of Wisdom from College Students to First Years

As I attend the graduation parties, see their pictures on social media and receive my students’ graduation announcements, I get misty-eyed.  I’m excited to see what experiences these bright, talented, compassionate, resilient, and caring individuals will create and how their stories will continue to unfold.

I am only too happy to share my sage advice with them and any and all graduating seniors, but I figured, who better to share words of wisdom than students who have recently experienced their first year of college and are successfully navigating their journey.

I am so fortunate and humbled that I am able to keep in touch with my former students. I love asking them questions about their experience and one of my favorites to ask them is:

“If you were mentoring an incoming freshman, what things do you feel most contribute to their having a successful first year?”  

Despite how different each student is and the variety of colleges they are attending, their advice was remarkably similar and fell into three distinct areas.  Here is what they said:  

1. Take care of yourself

  • You’re on your own and there isn’t anyone to hold you accountable but you and it’s easy to get distracted so establish a schedule for yourself. Develop a routine and don’t procrastinate

  • Make sure you build time into your schedule to chill and watch Netflix and hang out with friends. Make sure to eat good foods, walk in nature, do art. Whatever stabilizes you.

  • Take care of yourself and form good habits and a routine - even if it's flossing every day. Exercise regularly, get good sleep. 

  • Build in things that comfort you and feel familiar - make your dorm room feel a bit like home by bringing a few favorite things.

  • Reach out for help because college can be really overwhelming and there is no reason to make it harder on yourself by not reaching out and accepting help when you need it, whether it be personally or academically.

2. Get Involved

  • Get to know your professors and TA’s - go to office hours! It makes a world of difference and opens up opportunities from research to mentorship.

  • Making friends is easier than you’d expect - don't forget, it's not just you who is new, everyone is feeling the same. 

  • Join extracurricular activities, find one club the first semester and join.

  • Check the college's website for free/discounted services available to students and events happening around town

  • Go for it! During freshman year, I tried to take advantage of all the opportunities presented to me, and I think it improved my experience greatly.  

3. Be Yourself

  • Pursuing your passions and being true to yourself will help you make genuine friends during your first year which will set you up for future success. 

  • Do things YOU want to do and don't change who you are to fit in. Everyone is special, you’ll find your people. 

  • College is a new start, no one knows you so that gives you the freedom to be YOU, not who you think you should be.